Potato Peanut Butter Palace


Well, I suppose it’s more like a hut than a palace.

I really love potatoes. Peanut butter is pretty delicious, too. The other day, I woke up hungry for the idea I had hatched in bed the night before, to make a “peanut butter potato palace”. Success? I think so. Turns out they make a good combination!Β  Especially when it is accompanied by a juicy tangerine. That type of fruit isn’t normally my thing but these were exceptionally tasty!

A hot cup of peppermint tea is a must, especially if it is out of this cup:

And because my breakfast was just *so* good, I went and had another leftover baked potato with more pb :). Not as prettily presented, though. Hey, it all looks they same in my stomach! πŸ˜‰

A quick note: I haven’t been and most-likely won’t be posting very long or in-depth posts for a bit, due to the fact that my brain is fried like the tofu my dad makes for himself. aka: a lot ;). Rehearsals are in full pelt and I really have my work cut out for me! It’s going to be all worth it in the end, however.

Today’s Question:

Do you have a favorite cup to drink out of?

The cup pictured above was given to me years back by a friend. It’s extra awesome since its removable hat holds in the heat while tea steeps or I have to leave for a moment. Its super cute to boot!

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5 Responses to Potato Peanut Butter Palace

  1. movesnmunchies says:

    YUM potato and pb!! LOVE IT… and i dont have a fav cup!! i dont really enjoy too many drinks though- i like to eat!

  2. Kiki says:

    Haha, just yesterday I was thinking about my intense love for potatoes… golden are my favorite! Never thought to pair them with PB, put it seems like a delicious combo actually.

    Good luck with your rehearsals!

  3. Picky Nicky says:

    That sounds like a really good combo πŸ™‚ I really want to try it! I don’t know if I’ll be able to resist adding mustard to it, though πŸ˜› I do have a favourite cup, actually. It’s white and has a blue butterfly on it, I don’t even know where it came from lol! I also have a favourite spoon πŸ˜€ I think when I’m older, I’m going to end up being one of those crazy dish ladies!!

  4. I love anything potatoes, so love this recipe of potato palace or hut as you call it. πŸ™‚ Simply creative, how did you come up with?

    I once made potato nachos, it was so yummy!

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